HYDERABAD: The Telangana State Board of Intermediate Education has issued an important notification about the current academic year and syllabus. The TSBIE has prescribed 100% syllabus for the Academic Year 2022-23 for all the students of both Intermediate Ist year & II Year students, bringing back the old format which was in vogue before the COVID pandemic. The TSBIE board
Hyderabad: On Sunday, TSBIE Secretary Syed Omer Jaleel and other senior authorities visited different intermediate evaluation camps in Hyderabad and Rangareddy districts.
TS Manabadi Inter Hall Tickets 2022: Telangana Board Inter 1st, 2nd-year admit card to be released soon - TS Inter 2022 Hall Tickets for 1st 2nd Year intermediate exams are expected to be released soon on tsbie.cgg.gov.in and manabadi.com.