from try yangulation, everything they can, because if you remember, you were talking to david about 447, they looked in the wrong place for the first time, because they d got the data wrong. so now they are going to want to make sure whatever little data they ve got, it s used to its best advantage. you know, it s interesting, we did hear from the new zealand wing commander who s involved in this operation. they no longer believe the chinese pings that were detected over the weekend had anything to do with wreckage or from the black boxes of the plane. he, in fact, said for all practical purposes given up even searching in that area where the chinese detected something that sounded like pings. we don t have confirmation from others, the australians aren t saying that, at least not yet, maybe they will at the news conference later. what are you hearing about the whole chinese part of this story? the chinese government, obviously, is concerned since it was more than 150 of its nation