The Martha s Vineyard Times
Conservation commission violated meeting law
State rules Edgartown commission did so unintentionally during discussions of Katama Farm lease.
The state says the Edgartown conservation commission violated the Open Meeting Law by discussing Katama Farm s lease in executive session.
The state attorney general’s office made a ruling Thursday that the Edgartown conservation commission violated open meeting law last year by meeting in executive session to discuss terminating The Trustees of Reservations’ long-term lease at Katama Farm.
In a letter to Edgartown town counsel Ron Rappaport, assistant attorney general Elizabeth Carnes Flynn wrote that the commission improperly met in executive session four separate times, on July 22, July 27, August 5, and August 13 of 2020, and discussed terminating The Trustees’ Katama Farm lease, the commission’s desired use of the farm, The Trustees’ use of the farm, the commission’s concerns, an