New 6-axis ASIL-rated IMU from TDK enables design flexibility for accurate ADAS and autonomous car systems
TDK Corporation announced the availability of the InvenSense IAM-20685, the latest release in the SmartAutomotive product family. The IAM-20685 is a new ASIL-B monolithic 6-axis MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) developed in compliance with ISO 26262.
Taking advantage of TDK’s proprietary MEMS fabrication platform and technology, the IAM-20685 features a highly integrated single-chip 6-axis MEMS gyroscope and accelerometer combination in a small plastic package.
Offering low-power consumption, compared to competitive sensor solutions within the same product category, the IAM-20685 enables system-orientation-free mounting and unprecedented design flexibility for autonomous systems applications.
TDK company TPI and Uhnder to deliver world-class localization with digital imaging radar for autonomous platforms
Trusted Positioning Inc. (TPI), a TDK Group Company and leader in inertial navigation software, and Uhnder, a leader in digital radar technology have partnered to develop a localization reference design with world-class accuracy and performance with Uhnder’s software-defined digital radar sensor and TPI’s AUTO positioning software.
The partnership between Uhnder and TPI will enable end customers to use the reference design to quickly incorporate Uhnder radar with TPI AUTO software to obtain lane-level positioning accuracy in all environments and progress their products to market quicker.
Posted January 11th, 2021 for TDK TDK Corporation (TSE: 6762) announces the partnership of Trusted Positioning Inc. (TPI), a TDK Group Company and leader in inertial navigation software, and Uhnder, a leader in digital radar technology. TPI and Uhnder have partnered to develop a localization reference design with world-class accuracy and performance with Uhnder’s software defined digital radar sensor and TPI’s AUTO positioning software. The combined solution provides lane-level positioning accuracy in urban areas where GNSS fails, and under all weather and lighting conditions where cameras and lidars face environmental challenges. TPI is comprised of a world-class engineering team with a sensor fusion pedigree of integrating inertial sensors, GNSS and radar. They have been solving some of the most difficult location problems for decades.