horrific act happened in the united states, and it s one that president roosevelt said this a date that will live in infamy. today december 18, 2019, is another date that will live in infamy. the impeachment of a legitimately elected president of it united states. it s tantamount to a coup. they hate this president. when jesus was falsely accused of treason they gave jesus the opportunity to face his accusers. i thought i heard everything. anyway, republicans may have been good to stay in lock step with trump to avoid attacks like the one he made on the campaign trail last night when he mocked a deceased former u.s. congressman suggesting he was in hell. that s what you get when you break with trump. you re watching hardball. trup you re watching hardball. (children playing)
constituents, our country men, and our creator. the new york times on october 18th summarized the question now posed to house and senate. republicans and democrats compromised by compromise donald trump has hammered away at what republicans once saw as foundational virtues. decency, honesty, responsibility, and, yes, even civility. go on to say will they commit themselves and their party holly t wholly to mr. trup embracing even his most anti-democratic actions or will they take the first step towards separating themselves from him and restoring confidence in the rule of law.
it s completely oblivious to everything going on around it. yeah, and that has to got to be the most butt ugly building ever. chris: i noticed last night that some of the lights on the sign on the building are out. anthony: yeah it s like trup. chris: something like that, yeah. anthony: or tump. or rump. i mean, it s sort of perfect actually. if you think of trump as sort of carnival barker, his operation is designed to attract rubes and empty, you ve got sort of a perfect metaphor here. chris: yeah. anthony: i hate sweets, but i m a sucker for nostalgia. you can t go back, i can t go back. hell, i wouldn t even if i could. i sure don t want to ever have to be a teenager again, but those tastes and smells of childhood, they work still.
states and as of last week, the cdc reports is looking into over 2,000 lung injury cases from vaping. there are many who still want to enjoy the use of e-cigarettes. those who vaping including the united vapor is vapors alliance took part in a rally held outside the white house this weekend, they proposed bans and limits on the use of e-cigarettes while president trump and his administration continue to work on an official position on vaping considering in coaching g an age limit of 21. we are waiting on that report to come out this week. brett: thank you. san diego state university 14 review 14 fraternities, the university president there, campus police investigating why dylan hernandez was set to a hospital after a party last week. the student who says she lives on the same floor told a local station he hurt his head after falling from the top bunk of his
they were tough questions but during the trial, president trump talked with questions on so many different stone about wikileaks in july of levels. first of all, was daca legal in the first place? does the judicial branch have 2016. their campaign officials said that he was in a car with the right to review the decision, there were a lot of candidate trump winstone called. questions about that. you cannot hear the conversation the former solicitor general who is a very accomplished supreme court advocate and at but stone told him more wikileaks dumps were coming. one point asked point blank the google is collecting health data executive have authority and he on tens of americans. keeping patients and doctors in said yes, so than the question ththe dark about it. becomes what about the the trup administration s efforts to roll it back? you say we are not adequate and folks at google say that the basically come with the plan is aimed at helping department of homeland security patients sa