parker. that sums up what the other who is saw the speech thought, that they were impressed by what they saw. the headline to us was that 90% of the people we talked to didn t see the speech. it will be interesting to see the ratings. thank you so much, jacob rascon. not a lot of folks in dallas apparently watching. the big question, then, for the democrat who is will run against donald trump in 2020, this morning, surprising answer from oprah winfrey when asked what she now thinks about running for president. here is her interview on bloomberg tv. take a listen. i never considered the question even a possibility. i just thought, oh. oh. it s clear you don t need government experience to run for president of the united states. that s what i thought. i thought, oh, gee, i don t have enough experience. i don t know enough. now i m thinking, oh. wouldn t that be interesting? president trump never mentioned russia last night but he did talk a lot about national
demeanor change the way a presidency goes forward? it can but you re right. there was a lot of talk before the speech last night that there might be some new program announced like some kind of perhaps program of two astronauts going to the moon or something like that. i went all through the speech and was looking hard for something that was a surprise. and substantively, there was not too much there. but the tone was different. it was different from that very dark inaugural and that press conference that was pretty unsteady. so, yes, it can change things. people saw donald trump last night. he looked a little bit more like the way that oer psidents have talked to congress in the past. but the real test of this is going to be whether this lasts until tomorrow or the next day. are the tweets going to be changed? will his next rally? will he be speaking more in this tone or will we be back to the
contradiction and cliche. of course, that s from the left-leaning guardian and the bbc says, trump s speech was remarkably unremarkable. thatind of mrors lot of criticism that we heardn the united states, people being sort of surprised that trump didn t lean back on his shooting from the hip attacks on immigrants and other countries, the media. it was a more conventional speech. and we ve also heard from russia. russia said that they were not so they did not feel left out. they were not actually mentioned in the speech, despite so much press and attention from intelligence agencies and the media about the trump administration s ties to russia. so one of the key questions that people had, matt, was about nato. we know that the president had said a few months ago that it was obsolete, a very different tone today. also, some questionable
will equate to jobs. and michigan is an auto state. so a lot of blue collar workers work for the auto industry and or spin-offs of the auto industry. if we can reform trade in the jobs and those are the issues he pressed, i think he s going to do real good. and, obviously, brad and many, many others in the auto industry as well, on his plan for the country. ron, thank you for that. also this morning, the dow jones industrial average hitting an all-time high crossing the 21,000 mark for the first time ever. msnbc s chief business correspondent and anchor ali velshi is live at the new york stock exchange. one of the most interesting things about the speech last night is criticism. they took credit for a lot of things that didn t really get done under his watch. things like adding jobs, companies expanding. but the stock market has done very well. yes. so it was already on an upward
each n regulation, t of them have to disappear. it s still campaign-style talk but the stock market is enjoying it and right now we are enjoying a new record on the dow up almost 1.25%. ali velshi, thank you for that. up next, the gop reaction to the president s speech. i ll be talking with virginia congressman and former navy s.e.a.l. scott taylor. we re following a lot of political news but also monitoring severe weather around the country. overnight, a deadly outbreak of tornadoes in the midwest left three people dead. right now that severe weather is heading east with nearly 95 million people in its path. we ll have the update. ou any wo? ou any wo? no sir, no sir, some nincompoop stole all my wool sweaters, smart tv and gaming system. luckily, the geico insurance agency recently helped baa baa with renters insurance. everything stolen was replaced. and the hooligan who lives down the lane was caught selling the stolen goods online. visit and see how easy it is to