would d be hard to betet against n now. crowd: u usa! usa! - as trumpmp started to rack k up wins, i i think giululiani saw v ve in hisis being a v voice ofof support f for trump.. - trump p is clearlyly the bestst choice. he s t the best chchoice for new yoyork. he s t the best chchoice fofor the coununtry. and he s s the one who can bebeat hillaryry clinto.
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is right now. it s only god. god is of order.f order, the devil is chaos. this is true. you know, we are i want to i want to talk about my potential run for 2020 four and trump s potential run for ad 2020 four. and the beloved santos potential run for 2020 for mayor suarez. potential run for 2020 four and you know he thought trumpmp was a joke for older white people. they re quick to classify a black person only by the fact that we re black, even even a person that you we considerere to be a friend of mine. c when i went to the white houseus ,i called him after that to get a break out of jail.
great piece, david. thank you so much. thank you. dana bash speaking to voters in one of the most competitive districts in the country. reaction this morning after former president trumpmp said tt senate minority leader, mimitch mcconnell, has a, quote, death wish. and d the daughter of one of t men just released from venezuelans detection will join new day stay with us. i can tr. tech: don t wait. schedule today. pop rock music singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. what will you do? will you make something better? create something new? our dell technologies advisors can provide you with the tools and expertise you need to bring out the innovator in you. passion fruit? as an expedia member, you can save up to 30% when you add a hotel to your flight.
time on the 6th circuit, wellci respected, quite frankly. i knowrcte he had his detractord when he was a nominee for supreme court, but he was a well respected judge.ud he s become politically a completely politicized, itd appears now and i m not sure it s just him. remember the number two in charge is lisa monaco. that s an andrew weissman acolytes an going on for years back . andrew weissman clearly hadea the genda. we saw it during the mother stage. we saw it in his writings afterwards. get trump. i track a lot of this back , quite frankly. i ve said before to jerry nadler saying during the trumpmp administration s, we can t trust the american voters. so these leaks are cheating the american public.eggi they re bad for donald trump.ngr they re worse are worse f for tn people. now harming another followw up article tonight inng the washington post that there had been like 18 months of efforts by the national archives. various email, of course, on this again, magically endscog up in