hillary was because he was authentic. he is back out there on the campaign trail. he s an authentic person. it resonates. yes, but one, when he goes after the media, i feel like it s how he is going after sessions. f apparently jeff sessions is blowing it off and ignoring it. i think the media is too. trump actually does like jeff sessions. they will probably make up at some point. he does likes the media. he did an interview today with the fake media. he likes to have them around. to me, this is a lot of bluster and entertainment. i ve come to the conclusion he doesn t really many it. he s probably going to tell me i m wrong. ica think there is something missing and something scaramucci can do.
continue to rise, as it already it. that s the best revenge for this president. he should be laying the ground for tax cuts. it s not too soon. they should do that right now. ngthey are working very aggressively on the tax reform. they know that s a winning narrative. they should pavep the road right now with their best messenger. the reality is they are spending time not on tax reformi but on trying to resuscitate health care. when i watch this kind of thing, this performance you guys are so enthusiastic about, i think not only have i seen it before. you want to say this is like a circus. it s entertaining. he says horrible things about thee immigrants and the blacks n chicago and horrible things about he never said anything about blacks in chicago. he talks about on-going murders. he s upset about the loss of life. how is that negative? i got a strongly different message. his concern is they are out of
people have to get it done or they are beat it. they will beat it because they will suffer at the polls if americans lose medical coverage in order to get president trump a victory he can crow about. not the same. constituents support the president. (bell rings) with my moderate to severe crohn s disease,. .i kept looking for ways to manage my symptoms. i thought i was doing okay. then it hit me. .managing was all i was doing. when i told my doctor,. .i learned humira is for people who still have symptoms of moderate to severe crohn s disease. .even after trying other medications. in clinical studies,. the majority of people on humira. saw significant symptom relief. .and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability. .to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened;. .as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure.
a bizarre couple of days on this issue. jesse is looking at me intently and wants to take this first. take it away, jesse waters. donald trump is a private sector guy. if this was the trump organization he expects the in-house counsel to defend him. he thinks my attorney general should defender me. he will be my protector. trump feels exposed. sessions exposed him by recusing himself. i get it. it s not the private sector. he should not think like this, but in the private sector that s how a ceo react to somebody who did that. on talk radio people are saying, if he dumps jeff sessions, i won t like. that i won t like that a lot. jeff sessions was in on trump from the get go. jeff sessions was in on trump from the jump.
about. he can talk about the wall simultaneously, but this is important. we saw the justice department and the attorney general jeff sessions is driving this poll. the fox poll asked how likely do you think the president will build a wall? 7% 67% no. you can see all of the drugs being catapulted across. that s very dangerous. the wall will be built. it will be beautiful. it s going to be big. if trump didn t build the wall, it would be such a big problem for his base, for the presidency. if this doesn t get built and it will be built soon. if it gets slowed down by paul