have to be like that and you also sound a little bit foolish because they so clearly are trying to influence this. i think on every side, just to disrupt and seek with and get their hooks into you, it s not rooting for a specific candidate more than trying to get your hooks into everywhere. trish: would it make sense for them to say enough, we know the russians did this, we are going after them and go after them hard and also from a political standpoint because as melissa says, you don t want to be seen as linking those two. he won fair and square. no one broke into the voting machines, but he needs to be going after these guys. gillian: it s helpful from a national scaredy perspective, but it s also helpful politically to the president and his administration. it baffles me that they have not been making a greater effort to do this. think how great it would be tomorrow, president trump making remarks in the briefing room and saying, exactly what trish just said.