in this country. we re all about a fair, objective hearing of your case, your issues. and if we start to say there are certain groups of people who don t merit the protections of the system, we re on a slippery slope away from our democracy and what we stand for and what we believe in. this seems to go beyond trump hysteria. this seems to go toward why, why are people asleep at the switch when we re talking about depriving entrance into this country due process? why are republicans complicit when a president sort of rushets to his worst primal instincts? i remember lindsey graham in the primary debates when there were still 437 republicans running, look into the camera and apoll zwri apologizing to the families of every muslim soldier. now he s an asset that trump runs as a puppet. what has happened?
typically torpedo anybody else. do you think, mark, that the supporters turn into primary voters or these are just folks enamored with the trump hysteria? well, look. there s two ways to evaluate the supporters. one is whether the campaign is building the mechanics to turn people out, so-called field operation, particularly in the early states. the s evidence probably more than some of the recent articles suggest they re building that kind of operation and then second just are these are the kind of people to caucus or vote in a primary in general whether they re the campaign reaches out to them or not? trump supporters i meet are pretty interested in voting for him to try to change the country and i think right now those people hoping that trump fails with fans but not voters are maybe hoping more than they should be and wishing and counting too much on that reality rather than trying to beat him. great to see you, mark. thank you. thank you, thomas.