integration and they trash the populist opposition. donald trump is a populist and populism can be a very dangerous tool to ride the anger, not provide the answer. and that s the problem. the larger problem is a populist racist no nothing movement that is fundamentally inconsistent with democracy. but that was all wishful thinking from supply chain nightmares to food and fuel shortages to pointless wars, massive refugee crises. the wheels are slowly coming off. the globalization train. now, the media hate to report on this, but one of the big stories playing out over the summer is the rise of the free movement. i m talking about normal people around the world who are pushing back on the globalist agenda that s essentially dominated our politics since the 1990s. now, too often we re told that it s americans. they re the only ones who have concerns about globalization and what it means for our culture and our economy and our way of life. but around the world, working
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