Wednesday, February 17, 2021
President Biden has pledged to review and reverse many Trump-era environmental policies, including numerous environmental rules. With Democratic majorities in the House and Senate, Congress and the President have the ability to invoke the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to reverse certain of these Trump-era rules.
The CRA is a 1996 statute that establishes a process by which Congress can overturn “major” rules issued by federal agencies. The CRA defines major rules as those that have an annual $100 million or greater effect on the economy. Under the CRA, the newly convened 117th Congress will have a “lookback” period of 60 legislative days from the date a rule was published in the Federal Register to review the rule and vote on a joint resolution of disapproval. A simple majority in both houses of Congress is required for the measure to pass and be sent to the President. If the President then signs the joint resolution of disapprova