that s common practice? catherine: you raids an important part about the fisa court, there is a special responsibility on the government to provide as much visibility to the judge as possible. so folks at home will have to decide whether calling it a politically motivated document is enough. the democrats say that elements of the trump dossier were corroborated by multiple sources. this section of the memo is heavily blacked out. but i think there is a conflict here. director comey testified to the senate untell jones committee last year when he briefed the incoming president at trump tower that the dossier at that time was still unverified and salacious. this is three months after the application. judge jeanine: he swears to a
british spy, christopher steele, was being paid for, driven by the dnc and the clinton campaign. the reason that s important is that the national security court is what s called an export tight court. only one site is represented. there s a special burden on the government to present evidence to the court that is very broad. so the court has really all the information it needs. even information that may undercut some of the intelligence in the application so that they can make a full and - - decision on whether the warrant is justified. the other central findings for the republican staff memo is that former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe, in december 2017, testified before the house intelligence committee in a closed session and told the committee that if it hadn t been for the trump dossier, they would never had sought a surveillance warrant for an american citizen, carter page. this is a very big headline.
british spy, christopher steele, was being paid for, driven by the dnc and the clinton campaign. the reason that s important is that the national security court is what s called an export tight court. only one site is represented. there s a special burden on the government to present evidence to the court that is very broad. so the court has really all the information it needs. even information that may undercut some of the intelligence in the application so that they can make a full and - - decision on whether the warrant is justified. the other central findings for the republican staff memo is that former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe, in december 2017, testified before the house intelligence committee in a closed session and told the committee that if it hadn t been for the trump dossier, they would never had sought a surveillance warrant for an american citizen, carter page. this is a very big headline.
that s common practice? catherine: you raids an important part about the fisa court, there is a special responsibility on the government to provide as much visibility to the judge as possible. so folks at home will have to decide whether calling it a politically motivated document is enough. the democrats say that elements of the trump dossier were corroborated by multiple sources. this section of the memo is heavily blacked out. but i think there is a conflict here. director comey testified to the senate untell jones committee last year when he briefed the incoming president at trump tower that the dossier at that time was still unverified and salacious. this is three months after the application. judge jeanine: he swears to a
that s common practice? catherine: you raids an important part about the fisa court, there is a special responsibility on the government to provide as much visibility to the judge as possible. so folks at home will have to decide whether calling it a politically motivated document is enough. the democrats say that elements of the trump dossier were corroborated by multiple sources. this section of the memo is heavily blacked out. but i think there is a conflict here. director comey testified to the senate untell jones committee last year when he briefed the incoming president at trump tower that the dossier at that time was still unverified and salacious. this is three months after the application. judge jeanine: he swears to a