house judiciary committee is responsible for helping insure the rule of law. unfortunately this chairman ignored a bipartisan congressional subpoena served upon him. the actions of this chairman have undermined the credibility of all congressional committees in seeking information from with its and undermined the rule of law. thank you for your public service and for your service as a brave f.b.i. agent. i will ask you a series of basic questions to get fact out to the american people about our system of justice. trump advisor roger stone was convicted in a federal court, correct? that s my recollection. trump donor elliott brady was convicted in a federal court, correct? also my recollect. the attorney general at the time was bill barr. which president nominated him for attorney general?
investigations into the current president s family. ted lieu, democrat of california, set to orient facts as they exist on earth one. watch. let me ask you a series of basic questions to get facts out to the american people about our system of justice. trump adviser roger stone was convicted in a federal court, correct? that s my recollection. trump donor elliott brady was convicted in a federal court. correct? also my recollection. the attorney general at the time for those two convictions was bill barr, which president nominated bill barr for attorney general? president trump. you were the fbi director for all of those cases at the time. which president nominated you? president trump. okay. what these facts show is we don t have a two-tiered system of justice. we have one department of justice that goes after criminals regardless of party