department, she tweeted this. donald trump has done the right thing on syria, finally, after years of useless handwringing in the face of hideous atrocities. a strong letter to follow there, obviously world reactions, and we re going to cover it all. tom rogan, columnist for national review, ab started, associate editor, charlie hurt, opinion editor for the washington times, and syndicated columnist, charles krauthammer. i think it was absolutely the right thing to do. president trump didn t just act, he acted quickly, i think he notes, he has put himself in a position of strength going forward, the sitting arab monarchy is relieved, helps with their impetus, but on on the specific issue of the rule of law in the world, i think trump took a major step forward today,
policy planning for the state department, she tweeted this. donald trump has done the right thing on syria, finally, after years of useless handwringing in the face of hideous atrocities. a strong letter to follow there, obviously world reactions, and we re going to cover it all. tom rogan, columnist for national review, ab started, associate editor, charlie hurt, opinion editor for the washington times, and syndicated columnist, charles krauthammer. i think it was absolutely the right thing to do. president trump didn t just act, he acted quickly, i think he notes, he has put himself in a position of strength going forw, the sitting arab monarchy is relieved, helps with their impetus, but on on the specific issue of the rule of law in the world, i think trump