I find conflicted by the Colorado Supreme Court’s recent ruling on former President Donald Trump’s ballot eligibility (“The Folly of Colorado’s Trump Ban,”…
There is no doubt that Donald Trump was the most dangerous president to the deep state military-industrial complex since they rose to power following the Second World War, but additional evidence [.]
operating under similar ideologies. here is my take away from president trump ban. it s clear you can read the two tweets from the day he was banned. fairly benign. see in the language from inside twitter they didn t amount to incitement. all the more shocking when you place it beside, for example, tweets from the supreme leader of iran or the president of myanmar. steve: talking about actual violence. will: actual violence in iran. ainsley: read it. i don t know repeat some of this. all right. ayatollah twitter didn t delete the tweet or ban him said israel is a malignant cancerous tumor in the west region that has to be removed and eradicated. it s possible and it will happen. will: that remains. ainsley: that remains and malaysian prime minister, they deleted this tweet but he remains on the platform said it was a right for muslims to kill millions of french people.
Right from the moment Musk completed the acquisition, it was clear that the change of leadership at Twitter would be hugely consequential and controversial.