city. and this is the five from hibernation to high energy team. biden is once again tryingry to reassure americans that are sleeping ure amer. commander in chief has got the stamina to be the most powerful person on the planet.t president biden finallymostwe emerging in allentowrful pn, pennsylvania, today after afcing the easy would no publi appearances since monday, according to a new reporaccordit by nbc. it s all part of the white house s plan to joe look more youthful and ramp up, quote more informal remarks. unannounced stops at diners and appearances and social unant. osts and podcas but boy, did that backfire today. the president totally lostat as he shuffled around various today.businesses. i mean, you know what? i hope they really know this is morgan sherwin and. i m sorry. there are no team members hereon . the white house is also ou. jill biden.r that is, she s trying to convince americans that joe the energizer bunny. i think what people don t is
we ll see how the president responds in three. there s no doubts no dou presidential contests are contrast. and if president trump, whom i believe lock this nomination up in the next month or so because of the early nature of some of these primaries and caucuses, we will be in store for the longest l that we that we ve evers we w had in this country with president trump andilvote president biden, who are well known by the voters. it will be very interesting rsto see the two of them try to differentiate themselvesit w and demonstrate to the country that one of them is best to lead us for the next four years. ilsee how they differentiate . number one, do you agree with harold? but number two, harold is giving the president kudos for responding to the houthi attacks who he attacked. right. and the truth is, think they hit 120 times or some crazy number and he wasn t even in touch with is general lloyd austin. the four star general is a vex sector secdef. yeah, yeah, that was a that s