By LISA SMITH MOLINARI | Special to Stars and Stripes | Published: February 4, 2021 This morning, I peered at my baggy, bloodshot eyes in the bathroom mirror. It had been a rough night. Thanks to wild fluctuations in my hormones, my hair was a rat s nest of sweaty tangles. I tossed two Tylenol down my gullet, hoping to relieve a crick in my neck from tossing and turning, and headache pangs from grinding my teeth. “Today’s gonna suck,” I admitted to myself with a defeated sigh. A few years ago, I could handle awful mornings like this, because I had secret coping tools at my disposal, learned over 23 years as an active-duty Navy wife. However, now that my husband, Francis, has retired from the military and now that the pandemic has him working from home and two of our adult children living under our roof again I have no choice but to suffer through rough days in the constant company of my family.
By LISA SMITH MOLINARI | Special to Stars and Stripes | Published: January 29, 2021 I couldn’t wait for 2020 to be over. I sprinted out of that abysmal year like I was escaping a burning building … only to find that 2021 was smoldering, too. COVID-19 was still raging, people were still rioting, businesses and schools were still closed, and we were all still stuck at home with Netflix and TikTok. A new year is supposed to feel like a fresh start, but other than a new spider vein I found on my thigh last week, all I saw was same ol , same ol . Rejuvenation seemed impossible, because 2021 just wasn’t ready yet.
By LISA SMITH MOLINARI | Special to Stars and Stripes | Published: January 22, 2021 This month, we all bore witness to the horrific extremes that some people will go to in order to avoid losing. Although no one wants to fail, the vast majority of us won’t turn to insurrection, violent assault or malicious destruction of property to win. Besides, for most of us, personal success or failure is not gauged by national elections, the stock market report or the Super Bowl. Winning and losing happens in small moments throughout our daily lives. We all experience failure when we burn the toast, are late for a meeting or eat too much dessert. We succeed when we have a good hair day, make it to the gym or have a bonding moment with our teenage daughter.
By LISA SMITH MOLINARI | Special to Stars and Stripes | Published: January 8, 2021 Like many Americans, I resolve to lose weight every New Year. The semantics of my annual pledges may vary “get fit,” “eat healthy,” “fit into my jeans and still be able to breathe” and my success rate has been highly unstable. But my motivation is always the same: Rid myself of that stubborn 10 pounds of flab that has haunted me since my mid-20s. Over the past three decades, I’ve tried almost every diet in one form or another, which, arguably, renders me an expert on the subject.
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: I love my ShopVac. Typically, my love affair with this handy appliance is most intimate during the post-holiday cleanup.