MARSHALL The Marshall City Council this week approved a change order to a recently-completed project adding pedestrian crossings outside Marshall schools. T
Syndicated columnist
Marshall’s rapidly increasing growth in the 1930s and 1940s indicated for some time that additional school building facilities were needed. This along with the low interest rates prevailing at that time prompted the Marshall school board in 1946, under the administration of Paul Wilson to propose a $450,000 bond issue to residents in Marshall. Members of the Board of Education at the time were Dr. J. L. Anderson, James H. Hall, A.J. Hardy, R.E. O’Connell, H.J. Schwandt, and Dr. W.W. Yaeger. By 1949, the school board concluded that a grade school building was needed and should be the top priority for building a new school. On May 17, 1949, the voters in the Marshall school district approved the use of bond money voted in 1946 for a new grade school.