are you fake news. folks, it s a rigged system. it s a rigged system and we re going to beat it. we re being to beat it. votes will put it altogether, right in let s put it altogether. let s get along. a great kentucky we re financial to get along. all right, so bring nabrina, words ring true in. yesterday he called for unity and condemned these attacks. he is very much trying to shift blame towards the media. he has refused to act knowledge what role his rhetoric may have played in cultivating the political climb the president and his supporters have a right of course to disagree with the media and its coverage, but there is relentless attacks from the president that have been nothing more than reporters doing their jobs. there have been occasional mistakes. but when the media has made mistakes. those who are responsible have
something else, that s their call. that doesn t necessarily mean they ll be wrong the same way. is seems tough for the democrats, true in. look, it s 26 democrats, 8 republicans up, democrats need a gain of two now in order to take control of that chamber. the fact that there are a ton of red seats up, now it should be said indumb bantss who are in the party that s not in the white house in the midterm overwhelmingly tend to win. but you re going to montana, these are all states that donald trump won by 18% point the or more. democrats have to defend all these and pick up arizona and nevada. but i think that most people would agree that republicans have a better chance of holding on to that chamber than democrats have taking control but the trance that democrats take control is significantly up than it was from the beginning of the year. what is the chance that the senate will go down?
and the spread sheet. sure? is it true that 16 witnesses said he had his hands up. and two said he did not? in some, well, no there were more than two that said he did not. no, no, this is really important. people keep getting this wrong. 28 witnesses, 16 said hands up. two said no hands up. the rest either weren t asked the question or didn t have a responsive answer for the panel. isn t that true in. i don t dispute your math, chris, you and i both know as lawyers that have been in a courtroom, you don t rely on the testimony of eye witnesses alone. you have to overlay over that testimony the physical evidence. and the physical evidence supports the fact he did not have his hands up. and the grand jury exonerated. that s the end of the discussion. but in terms of was officer wilson wrong or not, you have to respect the process. however, the don t shoot hands up, there s plenty of reason to believe that michael brown had his hands up at some point. he may have lowered them
as jury with us who leave their wives and children as virtuous who leave their wives and children behind. men leave their wives everywhere. that s the double standard. that s media that s not left or right. i don t like it either way sean: you said this week that a lot of news. you said as a somebody works in hollywood if you are a conservative, especially religious person you have to meet in secret. this is literally true. when you go into a meeting to sell a script the people there to buy it, think nothing about bashing america. about bashing religion. about talking liberal nonsense. conservatives literally meet in secret meetings that are like aa meetings where they confess themselves i m a conservative are you? i heard a lot of these meetings . and i know members but i can t disclose them for fear their careers will be rue in
as jury with us who leave their wives and children as virtuous who leave their wives and children behind. men leave their wives everywhere. that s the double standard. that s media that s not left or right. i don t like it either way sean: you said this week that a lot of news. you said as a somebody works in hollywood if you are a conservative, especially religious person you have to meet in secret. this is literally true. when you go into a meeting to sell a script the people there to buy it, think nothing about bashing america. about bashing religion. about talking liberal nonsense. conservatives literally meet in secret meetings that are like aa meetings where they confess themselves i m a conservative are you? i heard a lot of these meetings . and i know members but i can t disclose them for fear their careers will be rue in