The largest accordion-style dam in the West is in Millard County, part of a cycle of water that ultimately is transformed into yogurt via locally produced milk.
The largest accordion-style dam in the West is in Millard County, part of a cycle of water that ultimately is transformed into yogurt via locally produced milk.
How do we share the revealed truth found in Christianity, especially when this truth causes discomfort or demands a change in behavior? In Ephesians, St.
As the nation grapples to find an explanation for the conditions that give rise to school shooters, mental health experts agree that family dysfunction is one factor in the tide that leads them to strike like the "perfect storm."
What Plato can Teach us about Covid 19 Plato taught us that the purpose of life is to know, love, and serve the Good, which is at once Reality itself, its source, and the power by which we know and love it. Plato also taught us that, as humans are communal, they know, love, and serve the Good together in communities, especially the larger community of the polis or city. For Plato and the philosophia perennis as a whole, Reality is the Good and the Good is Reality, and as such the foundation and purpose of both personal and political life. But … Continue reading →