famous carriage coming with diana and her father, earl spencer, going to st. paul s. then you hear the clip-clop as the carriage rolls up. leaving clarence house in the glass coach, her father beside her, lady diana spencer. her father was quite a big man. there was a lot of diana and the dress and her father in the tiny carriage. a bit of a challenge getting her in there. the world gets its first full glimpse of the fairytale princess. and i remember hearing the director in my ear saying to the cameraman who was in the point position to get that shot as she came out of the carriage. go in tight. go in tight. this is the moment so many of us have been waiting for. the wedding dress is an ivory
such a perfect story. here is this lovely young woman marrying prince charles. the most eligible bachelor in the world. the beauty of diana at this moment, the glory of diana, the genius of diana was to triumph in the fairytale to capture prince charming. i realized i d taken on an enormous role, but i had no idea what i was getting into. no idea. (driver 1) it s all you. (driver 2) no, i insist.
and nearer, and it was starting to sink in how many people were going to be watching this wedding and how important it was going to be. is your hat heavy? no, not particularly. this whole machine had just taken on a life of its own. just about every network in japan is covering the wedding. yes, right. why the big interest there? well, because it s simply exciting. when we realized that she was the one, there was no stopping the press following her. diana! lady diana! every day she read about herself in the newspapers. every time she switched on the television, there she was. the pressure must have been absolutely colossal. a polo match, she found the ever-present photographers just too intrusive. she was led away obviously distressed.
and say i am going to princess grace s funeral as a representative of the royal family. this is diana s first appearance on the international stage and she nails it. she proves to the family and to herself that she can do this. from this point on, diana will dominate all royal coverage. the question is, can the royal family cope with the new superstar in the palace? it was like having a rock star join the family. there was so much attention on me.
she is really happy. she produced the . age 20. that is terribly young. she had become a princess, a wife and a mother. mother and media toy, a member of the family, you name it. it is just too much for one person. diana was preparing for the christening. you would think that as the mother of the baby, she would have a lot of say. real christenings were done in a formal and traditional way. set photographers. the press officer said i will give you a list. this is how it will happen.