Dive in as Noosa News launches faster, cleaner experience Noah Behan, 18, leaps into the water at Little Cove in Noosa with the help of mates Harry Stiller, 17 and Isaac Austin, 18. Picture: Lachie Millard
News 28th Apr 2021 5:00 AM
Welcome to your new home for local news in Noosa.
Bringing the Noosa News under the umbrella of The Courier-Mail will provide you with a faster, cleaner, world-class news experience.
You will have much easier access to subscriber rewards, interactive sports features like SuperCoach, True Crime Australia podcasts and more puzzles to choose from.
The new site also offers our valued subscribers a far better app experience as well as new local daily newsletters, giving you the very best of our local coverage as well as stories you need to know from across Queensland.