chaos as the truckers and 18 wheel rers causing, their view on this issue is not popular in canada as all. more than 80% of the canadian public is vaccinated, almost 90% of canadian truckers are vaccinated. the protest wasn t even organized by the canadian trucking union, the largest of which has come out actively against the protests. so not only is this a fringe group of canadians, it s a fringe group even within the small niche of canadian truckers. but where this group is popular, this is interesting, where they found an incredibly large platform is right here, with american conservatives and american conservative media. their story has become a staple on right wing outlets like fox news, american conservatives from glen beck to marjorie taylor greene to the former president himself, have all championed their cause. hard not to miss the trump flies flying among the crowds in ottawa, also spotted in the crowds, confederate flags,