Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jung-sik made it clear that the government will not accept demands by striking truckers to permanently offer a basic wage system, saying such a.
Companies and business association watchers showed their approval, Tuesday, of a presidential executive order whereby 2,500 striking truckers in the cement industry could be crimin.
the largest truckers union in canada, has publicly condemned these protests. the teamsters union has publicly denounced these protests. this is a very small group of individuals, in the hundreds probably, representing a view that is not at all popular. but, because of the literal physical enormity of their trucks, it s having a massive impact on canada, and now the world. in addition to shutting down auto city center, protesters and their trucks have now started camping out in the streets of calgary, winnipeg, my hometown of toronto, and complexity. they ve blocked major roadways between united states and canada, at four key entry points. one of those points, the one we ve been talking about tonight, the ambassador bridge, is the biggest trade route between the u.s. and canada, period. it handles $300 million of goods per day. again, that one has largely been shut down since monday, because of about 75 trucks. we are already starting to see the impact of those blockades. toyota has sai
they really like fox news. they think both sides of their stories are being told and especially happy with the coverage that we ve been giving talking about how it s not so much about anti-vaccine for the truckers. 90% of the truckers union is vaccinated. it is about freedom and want to go back to their daily lives. in the past few hours one of those members of the convoy struck a deal with the mayor of ottawa telling them that they will move some trucks but on the ground we have not seen any movement just yet. look at the video on your screen. this is what it looks like in the neighborhoods surrounding parliament. that is near the capital here. the mayor has asked the truckers in residential areas to move out and they ve reached a tentative agreement. the trucks still are parked there. over the weekend a big party every weekend here for the past several. 4,000 demonstrators lined the streets of ottawa. police have been outnumbered. city officials telling us