Sean Henderson, Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery, works with young trout in a race located in the hatchery s Salmon Building.
RIVERDALE – No towering mountains. No rushing streams of clear water flowing rapidly over a cobblestone bed. No anglers in waders flinging flyline in graceful arcs. No trout fly shops.
North Dakota certainly isn’t thought of as trout fisherman’s favorite destination, but that doesn’t mean the popular fish are prevalent in waters throughout the state. Every year thousands of trout are raised at the Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery for release in North Dakota.
“Ninety-nine trout are native to the Pacific Northwest,” said Sean Henderson, Garrison Dam National Fish Hatchery while attending to trout in an indoor raceway at the hatchery. “This strain is a river fish, from the eastern side of the Sierras. We actually get the eggs from Wyoming. That state has several brood stocked hatcheries where they produce t