Dear Prudence,
When my husband and I were dating six years ago and talking about our dealbreakers, I was very clear that one of mine was messiness. I can’t, and never could, live in a cluttered, messy house. I’m not a neat freak. I just don’t like seeing dirty dishes left out or clothes all over the floor. My husband has never been the neatest, but he was never a slob either, so it worked. Now we’ve had a baby during the pandemic … and he has turned into the biggest slob I have ever seen. He will not push a dish in the sink. He takes off his dirty clothes and leaves them in huge piles on the bathroom floor. There are baby bottles everywhere. We are sleeping in separate rooms because he refuses to curtail his mess, which is growing out of control. I tried placing trash cans all over the house, but he puts his trash next to the can! His room literally has a pile of trash in it. Could this be a mental health issue, with all of the recent changes to our life?
Dear Prudence,
My close friend, “Will,” was fired due to a sexual harassment complaint against him at work. Will and the women involved are of similar ages and status in the company. I don’t work with him and don’t really know details, but from what I do know, it’s in the category of “hitting on women at work and continuing to after they said no.” He denies most of it. Without knowing what exactly happened, my guess at the truth would be that it happened and is possibly more severe than Will believes but maybe slightly exaggerated on the women’s part. Still, he shouldn’t have done it at all, and this is obviously not good behavior. Our friend group is divided: A few believe Will, a few don’t and have cut ties, and one friend who works in the same industry as Will (but not at the same company) fears his own professional reputation will suffer if he keeps the friendship. Another friend who used to work with both Will and the women involved is also unsure what to be