job, don t take the job. it s a full time job. it s a gigantically important job. this is a hard working man. no one doubts his intelligence. although i doubt whether he s sane. he came up with all of those complicated budgetary plans but this is crazy. this is a full time 24/7 job. 24/7, that s a lot of hours. you got to sleep. this is not a brownie troop leader job. we apologize for any brownie troop leaders that might be watching. what do you think? he s trying to balance this whole work-life thing now. we would probably be focussing on it if a woman was up for that job she said that she might be treated differently. do you think he makes a point? i think he makes a great point. totally disagree with ben and we criticize these people in
night he is not backing down or apologizing for his comments. three times i ve been. when i talked about the oven doors, i have stood at that oven door. i know exactly what it looks like. 1.1 million people killed. i will not apologize and will not recant. mr. huckabee will sit down for a live interview with matt lauer later this morning. also this morning, major change for one of america s most storied institutions. after a vote last night, the boy scout of america is ending the ban on openly gay troop leaders and employees. it is effective immediately. religious organizations can quote, continue to choose leaders with beliefs like their own. now to parched west. more than 20 wildfires are
same day delivery. the ottoman? thank you. fico scores are used in 90% of credit decisions. so get your credit swagger on. go to become a member of experian credit tracker and take charge of your score. the national executive board of boy scouts of america voted tonight to lift its ban on openly gay troop leaders and employees effective immediately. 79% voted in favor of the resolution. the national organization will no longer allow discrimination against its paid workers nor at facilities owned by the organization. tonight s vote came at the suggestion of the group s current president, former defense secretary robert gates. the organization is facing
fighters in injury i can t has been our only reliable partner on the ground in northern syria right now. turkey getting involved certain solid significant. but they have different interests than we have. but the access to air base is huge. it s big. congresswoman, nice to he so you. thank you very much. thanks, greta. this is a fox news alert. the boy scouts of america voting to lift its nationwide ban on openly gay troop leaders and employees. the move taking taken at the suggestion of its president former defense secretary robert gates. local troops and council also still be open to ban openly gay volunteer leaders. and a popular law professor murdered in a stunning mystery. who did it and why? a life report straight ahead. news breaking tonight that will rattle the irs. congress is making a big demand of president obama and has to do with irs commissioner koskinen. committee chairman jason chaffetz straight ahead. prep trauma unit 5. what ve we got? bp 64/40
has been our only reliable partner on the ground in northern syria right now. turkey getting involved certain solid significant. but they have different interests than we have. but the access to air base is huge. it s big. congresswoman, nice to he so you. thank you very much. thanks, greta. this is a fox news alert. the boy scouts of america voting to lift its nationwide ban on openly gay troop leaders and employees. the move taking taken at the suggestion of its president former defense secretary robert gates. local troops and council also still be open to ban openly gay volunteer leaders. and a popular law professor murdered in a stunning mystery. who did it and why? a life report straight ahead. news breaking tonight that will rattle the irs. congress is making a big demand of president obama and has to do with irs commissioner koskinen. committee chairman jason chaffetz straight ahead. d all night. try nexium 24hr,