apolo apology, which he then posts, gets removed from rhett did. why? pause they don t want people to apologize for this behavior. they want to be able to defend this kind of behavior. ? that s really notable because this is what i thought was remarkable, chris, was that we saw somebody who was a troll apologize, you know? we wish that they wouldn t do it obviously to begin with. the racist stuff is repugnant, obviously. but it meant to the next level where some humanity snuck in accidentally somehow? it wasn t accidental. it snuck in. however it got there. so here s what he said. let me read it. i would also like to apologize for the posts made that were racist, bigoted and anti-semitic. i am in no way this kind of person. i would never support any kind of violence or actions against others simply for what they believe in nor would i carry out any violence against anyone based on that or support anyone who did. this is important. he talks about his own