SDA chiefs hid millions of assets in B&H and abroad
Berilo, the current mayor of Trnovo did not report that he had 100,000 KM in his account and term savings of 40,000 KM M. Aščić
Berilo, Koldžo and Ajnadžić
Foto: Avaz
On January 15th and 16th, the Office for the Fight against Corruption and Quality Management of the Sarajevo Canton filed criminal charges against five holders of public office in SC, due to the fact that they hid millions of assets.
Ibro Berilo, Mayor of Trnovo
Foto: Avaz
In the process of verifying the data
This information was confirmed for Avaz by the director of the Office, Erduan Kafedžić, who has been assisted in his work as an advisor by the American Eric Larson, a former prosecutor with international experience, since July.