Teachers, staff, students themselves and parents and principals to make the decision for whats right for them in their schools. Commissioner maufus. Thank you president fewer. I want to support what commissioner haneys comments were just now. For all those reasons, i really am supportive and will be supporting this hands down because i think there was an incredible amount of time wasted dealing with hats at school sites, whether it was the principal or students or teachers having to struggle around that and not focusing on education, which is why we are at a school site anyway. In regards to consistency, i think to get that ball rolling, id like to suggest superintendent, that this very simple conversation come to our administrators institute. I think thats the first time that our administrators come back to school, they gather to be amongst each other to talk about whats new in the district, any main date that is have come down from the board youre giving them a his up about that. I t
Scc classrooms are scheduled to be closed and go to inclusion. Our parents dont know about them. Theres supposed to be quarterly parent meetings, which have not occurred for three years. Its gotten so bad that aptos had ada accommodations put into it by one of the principals over there, and they were pulled out. At the individual classrooms, if i remember right, that was 50,000 per classroom at the individual school sites. This apparently was done much cheaper for the entire school. Our students are there. Ive been pushing that program and telling people that would be a really good place to have their children and i just recently found out that it was wrong. My apologies to the parents that i told that. It was in all good faith that it was there. You did had Parent Choice before. Many of my students are great [inaudible]. But for others of my students its a disaster. Ive had other students with no language whatsoever. They reach the middle school year at their thank you very much. Than
Much money the employees have given back to this district to keep it going when times were bad. You know how much money will be coming to you because we all work for proposition 30. You heard today how much more money will come to the schools because the economy has been good and your negotiators with you authority offered me a 2 percent raise. And you think this is the promised taking care of our employees that we keep hearing about from the superintendent and the school board. I think its time the stop playing around. My students in first grade know that playing ing around time is for recess time. This is school time, we have serious work to do and there is a lesson to be learned and that has to do with prioritizing. Teachers and parents gave the district 60 million over the past four yours. Prop 30 will double your funds over the next few years. Today the golf nor put 469 million into prop 98 guarantees. Today you are wealthier than you have ever been and you offer me and my colleag
Having only one guidance counselor. He helps kids find the high schools that are right for them, but helps kids with big problems and handles discipline in our classrooms. He is too busy and needs help. Im worried that when im trying to find a High School Im not going to get the help i need because he is too busy. Im also worrying that kids at bigger middle schools will have an vantage over me because they have the help they need. One common thing people think of when they hear rooftop alternative is hard working pta. The truth is we only have such a strong pta because of necessity. Our school would not thrive as it does if we didnt have a counselor or social worker. We understand that we arent the only ones that need this funding and we might not be the most high needs school but shouldnt be put lower in the line of need because of our pta. [applause] good evening, my name is gabrielle and im a 7th grader. What it comes down to is that the School District only funds a halftime social
To you, it will become less important to us. Please consider your priorities and how you want it to go forward. Thank you. Hi, im a very strong supporter of public education. Not only am i a parent of two children in sfusd for 12 years, i am also a teaching artist and teaches on grants and the sfusd public middle and high schools. Im very concerned that the district is going to lose many families. I am coming to you as an elementary parent whose child in two rounds did not receive their Feeder School so im very concerned about the feed r system. 65 of our kids are feeding, 12 are left out, 6 of those didnt put our feeder on their list, 6 of us had first choice and still our assignment is visitation valley. Theres a safety issue with that. It has no nothing to do with the teachers, the wonderful administration at the school, but i it would take my child an hour and 17 minutes to get there. I know how the system is working. The feeder system is supposed to work. Its not working. Six of o