hour, extensive live coverage of the fight for libya. and the hunt for the man who held an iron grip on the country for decades, will gadhafi and his inner circle be brought to justice? president obama is warning the fight for libya is not over yet. cnn is using its global resources to cover the latest gasps of a brutal regime and deadly civil war. to our viewers in the united states and around the world, i m wolf blitzer. you re in the situation room. libyan rebels say their real moment of victory won t come until moammar gadhafi is captured. we re following breaking news out of libya. the state department in washington says opposition fighters are believed to control about 90% of the capital, tripoli, and they say they have three of gadhafi s sons in custody, but moammar gadhafi remains at large. the u.s. government says it believes he s still in libya. libya s national transitional council says he may have fled to neighboring chad or algeria. president obama is cal
christine o donnell ran for the senate from delaware. a tea party darling and she dabbled in witch craft when she was in high school. she s the author of a new book with the intriguing title, trouble making. good to see you how are you? good. i can t help but notice you did the sign of the cross when you sat down. is it because you re nervous about the interview? i did it off camera. i didn t realize you were watching. i do that just because ever since my very first tv interview i just pray. i ask for god s blessing on what i m about to say. i was relieved. i was expecting a devil worshipping sign. here s your book. troublemaker. what i was struck by is what you wrote. they call us wacky. they call us wig nuts. we call us the people. i have met lots of people who are wacky and wing nuts. you can be both. it s an exciting time what s going on in the political establishment and the political process right now. that s a quote from my introduction which is a quote
committee, senator john kerry and dick luger, republican from indiana are defending the continuing u.s. aid to pakistan. pakistan has nuclear weapons, a lot of them. trying to figure out what to do about our relationship with that country ain t so easy. the question, though, is this. should the united states continue raised to captuds to c kill terrorists inside pakistan? go to cnn.com/caffertyfile and post a comment on my blog. thanks very much. good question. a fresh amount of nato air strikes on tripoli, three explosions overnight. a government spokesman says warplanes hit several buildings in the capital. now, some rebels living right under moammar gadhafi s nose are talking to cnn s frederik, who has this report. reporter: this is the tripoli
but as we said, for more for more than four decades, gadhafi s shrewd and merciless tactics maintained a grip on his country and his opponents are not about to underestimate him now. ben wedeman joins me live on the phone. ben, what are you hearing about this deal we are getting a little word of from the opposition on the ground there? reporter: according to members of the opposition, they heard about this so-called proposal, whereby, moammar gadhafi would be allowed to step down with honor. they heard about it through the media. however, they are very hesitant to even publicly discuss any sort of proposal coming from moammar gadhafi. their feeling is they cannot trust this man and they continue to insist their goal is one way or another to topple him from power.
changing their oil forecast from december. on average economists see the oil ending the year around $95 a barrel. even if the tension in the middle east doesn t get resolved quickly we could get more clarity as time passes. oil prices hovering around $105 a barrel. the prices are talked of talk of opec boosting output and libya leader gadhafi maybe strike ago deal to step down. wall street focusing on oil and not many major economic reports out right now. a mixed open and dow up 23. nasdaq off slightly. urban outfitters shares are tumbling. 12% on earnings. its fourth quarter margins hit hard by more markdowns and shows by discounting doesn t mean the sales are going to rise. alison, thanks so much. we will check back in with you. it is half past of the hour. time to check the headlines that we re watching. the red carpet is rolled out in