(Reuters) - The Trinidad and Tobago government accepted bid recommendations for six of eight onshore oil and gas exploration blocks, people close to the matter said on Sunday, setting the stage for awards to be disclosed as soon as this week. | 08:03am
May 29 (Reuters) - The Trinidad and Tobago government
accepted bid recommendations for six of eight onshore oil and
gas exploration blocks, people close to the matter said on
Sunday, setting the stage for award. | May. 29
Trinity Exploration & Production plc (LON:TRIN – Get Rating) shares passed below its 200-day moving average during trading on Monday . The stock has a 200-day moving average of GBX 100.89 ($1.27) and traded as low as GBX 80.10 ($1.01). Trinity Exploration & Production shares last traded at GBX 81 ($1.02), with a volume of […]