Saving babies’ lives — and parents’ hearts. These are the goals of an annual musical fundraiser for life-affirming pregnancy centers in western Kentucky called “Bluegrass on (Lake) Beshear”. This year’s
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He’d walked his daughter down the aisle just the day before when beloved Hackensack funeral director Tom Gentile died suddenly this weekend, friends and loved ones said.
“After a day of celebration, it is with heavy hearts that our family regretfully needs to announce that our patriarch, G. Thomas Gentile…passed away this morning,” the family announced Sunday.
He was 72.
Gaetano Gentile, a father of three, dedicated his life to helping people at one of the most vulnerable times in their lives.
“This community has been kind to me over the years, giving me the opportunity of fulfilling my dreams of offering the best that I can,” he once said.
Enoch Powell: 1912-1998 Statesman; Minister of Health
Willie Whitelaw: 1918-1999 Statesman; Home Secretary
Advertisement However, there may be a few opportunities available within the University and Colleges that are exceptions to this, such as working in the College bar, College library or as a student helper during open days.
Following the move, Trinity College Students Union (TCSU) said the measure would impact some of the most disadvantaged students at a time of national uncertainty .
A spokesperson told The Tab: This measure will undoubtedly impact some of the most disadvantaged students at an exceptionally difficult stage in their studies. Although we are pleased that students who remain in residence will not be affected by these cutbacks, we believe it is unjust to reduce the bursaries of those not in residence as it assumes that students do not incur costs when absent from College grounds.
Trinity College has cut their bursaries for undergraduates who have not returned to Cambridge by 50 per cent for the entirety of Lent term, the college has confirmed in a statement to The Tab Cambridge.
Undergraduate students from “low and middle-income families” currently receive additional support from the college, in addition to the Cambridge Bursary, for students with a household income of below £42,620.
The college told The Tab this affects a “small proportion” of students and that they are continuing to provide “50 per cent of the full amount in recognition of the recipients’ need to cover daily living expenses, if not College rent, this term.”