The Bar Association of Guyana on Sunday commenced its second annual Law Week activities with a Walkathon event. Participants walked from the Square of the Revolution and ended at the Court of Appeal at Brickdam and High Street.Notably, it was announced thereafter, that Attorneys-at-Law in private practice who have so volunteered will give of their time and resources to offer pro bono services through the Guyana Legal Aid Clinic.This year’s Law Week theme is “New Frontiers in Law, Preparing for the Future.”In a press release, it was stated ‘Law Week’ is a feature on the calendar of many Bar Associations around the world. It aims to bring attention and understanding to the importance of the Rule of Law in society.Like last year, the Bar Association will host a mix of in-person and virtual events and outreaches which will build capacity, foster camaraderie and enhance collaborations with the Bench and other related agencies.