the congress piece is equally problematic because if you want to put the congress s part of the debt on the table, they re the guys who are willing to put the full faith and credit of the united states on the line and help us default on our debt. that s where the congress is in the public s minds so i am not sure i would bring that up. can i slightly disagree with joanne on that? i think it is largely right when the economy is getting better but i think as we saw in 2010 election, if we begin to get bad economic news and in the summer and the fall in terms of job reports, there is a send at this amongst voters to begin to c conflate the problems with the economy and the debt. i think it is very important the white house get out in front on the debt issue, don t let the republicans make it their issue, and the president could do it if he doesn t adopt simpson-bowles he could have something else on the scale of a $4 trillion debt reduction and i think it would be a mistake to ignore th
people who live on tribal lands are not native people. and so it is a var table sanctuary for those that want to commit sexual assaults. can you explain to me why women on tribal lands are not protected? because the tribal councils, you know, don t have the full authority to prosecute nonnative men. and the bill that ms. adams introduced even repeals the protections that were already in place it create more confusion around the tribal authority the tribal council s authority to prosecute those folks. we have heard stories of folks who have been raped and beaten on tribal lands and they have gone unprosecuted because the perpetrators were nonnative people. right. final question congresswoman. doesn t this play into the
from hogueys and grinders to jay-z and nickel back, here are today s top lines. burn, baby burn. like looking out across the prairie and seeing a fire in the distance. fire? fire? that fire gets closer to the children we love. my dog is a life saver. this debt and spending inferno. there s no fire. don t call that dog a life saver. no. call him burn baby burn for the young people this this room like that guy there and who did i see over here? well, he s not that young. actually, anybody under 65 i find very young. what kind of gang would mitt romney run. the argyles. it is embarrassing. president obama said he has jay-z on his ipod. mitt romney says he downloaded nickel back to his zune.
reed and in washington michelle cottle and julien epstein. julian, what do you think of mitt romney hitching his wag ans to john boehner, the most disastrous speaker in recent history? well, again, they re looking for cards to play, and the card he is looking to play is the debt reduction card. it is a cynical card because i pointed out in the last segment it is like the arsonist complaining of the fire. it is like the orphan, the kids that killed his parents and complaining they were an orphan. republicans had a 5 to $6 trilt i don t know sur plaus projected when bush took office and turned that into an $11 trillion debt and represents more than two-thirds of what our current debt is right now and boehner and romney are looking at the political polls that show that the debt is a potent issue for some independents and that is