What were the hurdles faced by Hanuman and Lord Ram? How were these overcome… Updated Dec 10, 2020 | 13:31 IST
Three characters of Ramayana faced a total of 18 impediments – what do these signify, and the lessons they hold. Hurdles faced by Hanuman and Lord Ram 
Prasthānatrayī is a uniquely Indic concept which denotes three sources: more particularly three canonical texts of theology. World famous exponent of Ram Katha, Morari Bapu had once during a Hanuman Jayanti programme called Sant (Saint), Hanumant (Lord Hanuman) and Bhagvant (God) a Prasthānatrayī. However, on Day 30 of Hari Katha during Lockdown, viewers urged Bapu to explain the literal and root meaning of the term. Morari Bapu explained that Prasthānatrayī as a construct was introduced by Adi Shankaracharya who used it to refer to the Brahmasutras, Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita.