Asking someone to watch a film that taps into that trauma, in the hope that the difficult material will recontextualize the way they see their experience, risks just as much that it’ll set them back in grappling with said experience.
President Martha Pollack provided details on the 2023-2024 academic theme of “The Indispensable Condition: Freedom of Expression at Cornell” in a Monday email to the Cornell community.
President Martha Pollack attended this week’s Student Assembly meeting to discuss the resolutions regarding content warnings and a permanent on-campus gynecologist, which were both rejected by Pollack.
muscles. absolutely free. text f a i r 2321321. solomon in new york, and this is cnn. you got that? mhm students at cornell university want trigger warnings on upsetting material that could be discussed in class in a resolution, the university s student assembly wrote that including these warnings, quote gives respect and acknowledgement to the effect of triggering content on students with ptsd, both diagnosed and undiagnosed, whereas doing so makes the discussion of sensitive academic topics more predictable. therefore balancing the academic freedom of instructors to teach with the needs of the student body. well, the university president turned that resolution down, writing quote. we cannot accept this resolution as the actions that recommends would infringe on our core commitment to academic freedom and freedom of inquiry and are at odds with the goals of a cornell education. leaning