the globe. now, there s a complicating factor here, and that is the fact that some republicans are urging speaker mike johnson to change the threshold for the motion to vacate. that is the ability of one person to oust or at least call for a vote to oust the speaker at any time some republicans say that that rule should be changed as part of this package with the supplemental that becomes a more complicated question though, as to whether democrats would help with that. here s what one of those democrats, dan kildee of michigan told me i mean, it just another layer for sure. i mean, i personally think rule as they wrote it for themselves was preposterous so i don t disagree that it s a ridiculous rule whether or, not all right. in this moment where we have a global security challenge, we ought to be trying to veil a lot of their politics is another question, but i m open to the conversation it s gonna be a leadership decision they created this mess for themselves though, and it was pred
now, knowing that there s already been one who said, look, you seated me. i can t do it. well, the judge has now added additional parameters of what information can be known about the jurors mean this just to be clear, said that she felt that aspects of her identity were known and she was being inundated by friends and family asking if she was this juror. we don t know why she felt that wear how they they knew that about her, right. it wasn t necessarily one moment. no, she did. there was they didn t go into a lot of the details of it, what ended up boiling down to is that the judge said that it can no longer be reported, whose someone s employer is now cnn did not identify her employer. other news outlets did. she has she was an oncology generous. there are a hundreds of oncology nurses in the city, but she felt like she hurt more identity, more aspects or identity were known that made her feel oncoming intervals. so the rule going forward is the judge said that reporters can
the judge has made any rulings on her she is a lawyer. she understands whether you could be fair and impartial, and i m sure they ll have a conference afterwards to see if either side because prosecutors could also have an issue that she knows some facts in this case. it s not as though it s necessarily against trump that she s read all of this. we don t know what her view is on what she has read, but it s someone who does have a lot of information about this case and they ll have to see if she could purely set it aside or if there s any hesitation, but they don t think that she should serve this a very powerful reminder that it can cut both ways the trump camp though, he has been talking about storming in and out of this courtroom today, he is certainly trying to make it known how he feels about having to be present and off the campaign trail? yeah. and i think what s really interesting is that we ve seen him really gauge the jury a little bit more this time, turning around for the
biography, if they ve ever attended a trump rally or an anti-trump rally? they and their they re going to build out the little profiles for the first 18 jurors in the box. once they seed 18, meaning they d gone through the questionnaire and they don t believe any needs to be excused because the judge feels like they re potentially suitable. there s not an apparent issue of someone being unable to be fair for an impartial, then they will start the questioning by the attorneys and the attorneys. both the prosecution and trump s lawyers will have 30 minutes each to ask these questions, but we learn monday part of the strategy these prosecutors are asking people can believe someone who s already admitted that they ve lied under oath for instance, or if they can look past someone s job like a tabloid publisher or an adult film actress and a them based on what they ve said. they re trying to get to the actual issues in the case and trump s lawyers, as we saw, we re seeing a lot of questions
so the public knows who is going to be in judgment of the former president in the first historic case, but not provide too much identity that they could be identified because we don t know their names only the lawyers in the case. know the jurors identities, and that is for a reason, and we see this in other high-profile cases this certainly is one where there is a lot of extra attention and a lot of people really scouring the internet seems to want to know who is on this jury but it is also something that we ve seen time and again, whenever there is a high-profile trial where there is a lot of media attention on it poland s as something to be said about the fact that when you re going into jury duty, your colleagues know that you re not they re likely because you re going into jury duty. your family knows that you likely have jury duty he telling the people around you that you re going to go down to the courthouse while you re not coming to work, and then you re starting to see these