The owners of the Lydell Apartments in Glendale forced several residents to move temporarily, due to the discovery of trichloroethylene, better known as TCE.
The North Shore Health Department said officials discovered 10 times the acceptable amount of the cancer-causing chemical, Trichloroethylene, inside Lydell Apartments.
tested. we found products like antifreeze, trichloroethylene, varnish, all sorts of different substances in these they pass, which is potentially extremely dangerous to these children. and you are mentioning some of the health problems, hospitalizations of kids in your constituency. what kind of problems were you seeing? so, what is been reported to me, reports of children collapsing, children having experiences where they feel like, they physically collapsed, they feel like we are watching their collapse from above, beside where they are. really quite scary report of one young man, who was in the back of his mother s car, being brought to the hospital, he had lost the side of his face, droop on one side. so really quite frightening symptoms. are there perhaps are their unexplored, almost neurological side effects from this, particularly in children?