A 15-year-old Class XII student was thrashed and robbed of Rs 300 by two persons, including an auto driver, while she was returning home from her coaching classes this evening.
The Chandigarh International Airport Limited (CHIAL) today gave its consent to a shorter route proposed by the UT Administration from Chandigarh to the airport.
Waterlogging was witnessed in several parts of the city following rain today. The city received 20.1-mm rainfall before 8.30 am, and 32.2 mm from 8.30 am to 5.30 pm.
Five intersections have been identified as the busiest junctions in the city. According to an interim report prepared by the Rail India Technical and Economic Service (RITES), a public sector undertaking (PSU), maximum peak hour traffic was witnessed at Kisan Bhawan (Dakshin Marg-Udyog Path junction