The Ayoreo are one of around 18 different tribes living in Paraguay. The Ayoreo's home is in the Chaco, a huge region of dry scrub forest, rivers and swampland which encompasses the whole of the western half of Paraguay and extends into other countries.
The hunter-gatherer Nukak in Colombia, who have only been in regular contact with people outside their tribe since the 1980s, have been driven out of their rainforest home, and desperately want to return. Learn more and take action!
Although there are different Guarani sub-groups, all share a religion which emphasises land above all. Land is the origin of all life, and is the gift of the 'great father', Ñande Ru.
In the depths of the Amazon rainforest in Peru live tribes who have no contact with the outside world.
Oil workers and illegal loggers are invading their land and bringing disease. They won't survive unless this stops.