The Southern Ute Tribe hosted COVID-19 vaccination events on February 4, February 10, and February 11, 2021. More than 1,100 people were vaccinated. “We would like to thank the tribal staff and volunteers for the impressive planning and execution throughout the tribal testing events,” the tribal council said on February 11. Photo: Lindsay J. Box, Tribal Council Communication Specialist
Southern Ute Tribe confirms discovery of COVID-19 variant
Monday, March 1, 2021
A strain of COVID-19 that has begun spreading rapidly in California has now been found on the Southern Ute Reservation in southwestern Colorado.
The Southern Ute Tribe announced that the B.1.427/B.1.429 variant (also known as L452R or CAL20C) was found in an individual who recently died on the reservation, which shares a border with the Navajo Nation.