ANDREA Rennie, the mother of 17-year-old Asafa Lowe who is suspected to have drowned at a beach in Alligator Pond in Manchester on August 6, has described her grief as a heavy burden that is diffi.
ALLIGATOR POND, Manchester The family of a Manchester man, Wayne Watson, 34, who recently rescued at least five people from drowning at a beach here have been left puzzled after his body was fou.
ALLIGATOR POND, Manchester - A grieving Manchester mother is urging beachgoers in the Alligator Pond area to adhere to the warnings of locals to stop ignoring the "no swimming" signs at a dangerou.
ALLIGATOR POND, Manchester – Residents of this community, following the weekend drowning of a 17-year-old boy, have again warned visitors to stop ignoring the "No swimming" sign at a section of th.
MANCHESTER, Jamaica Police are reporting that a search operation is to continue on Monday to recover the body of a teenager suspected to have drowned at Alligator Pond in Manchester on Sunday.
He has.