Over the past several years in the administration of attorney general eric sniderman. During this administration, we have had 22 cases that we brought criminal charges in, including two cases announced just this morning. And they are in a wide range of industries. Prevailing wage contractors, tortilla factory, home health agencies, its been a pretty broad range of different types of employers. And having been in this field for awhile, i feel strongly about the importance of criminal enforcement because i think that it sends a very, very strong message about the seriousness of these laws and the importance of compliance and it is a very powerful deterrent. I think criminal prosecution is just qualityively different. Its a very different experience to be arrested than to be sued. And even without a jail sentence, i think that the aspect of public pressure and public shaming is very powerful, particularly for employers who have been the cases that we have handled are really outliars in te
Solidly middleclass folks and more than 90 in bankruptcy because of a medical problem, a job loss, or a family breakup. The squeeze on the middle class was getting tighter, and more and more families were deep in debt. Bankruptcy was their last option to scratch their way back to dead flat broke and tried to build some kind of future. Credit Card Companies saw this and they figured out that they could boost the profits if the squeeze these people a little harder. So they wanted to change the bankruptcy laws so that hundreds of thousands more people every year would be locked out of bankruptcy and left mired in debt. Their profits by squeezing people, drowning in medical debt and deal with job losses. I was truly appalled. Now, understand how this fight shape the. Credit Card Companies were smart. They had already led to a lot of powerful folks to support them, both democrats and republicans. They had money to lower. They had lobbyists galore. And the families going bankrupt, they had n
Gathered in this little room off the Senate Chamber, and he came bustling in and sat down with us. For the next 30 to 40 minutes, we all talked with him about health care while literally a dozen members of the u. S. Senate at one point or another poked their head in. And in those kinds of conversations you have with people that you really know, abbreviated little, did you look after yeah, i am on that and did you take, yeah, i got that. Back and forth, back and forth between him and his colleagues in the u. S. Senate. And when we left that day, i thought to myself, in a business where it is so much easier to stop something from happening than it is to actually find your way to get something done, this is how this guy succeeds. Relationships, trust followthrough. It was all on display that day as a sidebar to the meeting that we were having about health care. In short, senator kennedy absolutely was the bigfoot from massachusetts in so many ways if you needed somebody to help you get so