At least 7 trekkers out of 17 who went missing on Monday in Uttarakhand due to heavy snowfall and incliment weather were reported dead on Friday. The Indian Air Force is conducting a massive rescue operation. On Thursday, two members of the team had been rescued alive. They were injured and were being treated in Harsil and Uttarkashi, an official said. They had gone missing on a trek to Chitkul in Himachal Pradesh via Harsil in Uttarkashi. Search and rescue teams from Uttarkashi spotted five
More than 80 tourists from different states were stranded at Batal in Lahaul Spiti where all road communications remain snapped for the past 72 hours due to snowfall.
Uttarakhand Chief Secretary SS Sandhu on Thursday held a review meeting of the tourism department and directed the officials to arrange GPS-based wristbands for