A top-shelf American single malt, lathe-turned wooden bowls, Lone Star–inspired men’s shirts, and twenty-two other standout products that demonstrate the world-class craftsmanship and ingenuity of Southern makers
It was fun while it lasted.
The hosts shared highlights from the final edition of Natural Products Expo East, including new brands, standout collaborations and innovative line extensions.
Within plant-based milks, almond may dominate sales and oat may be the fastest growing sub-segment, but an increasing variety of nut-, seed-, legume- and grain-based options are coming to market – simultaneously fragmenting and growing the overall segment.
Within plant-based milks, almond may dominate sales and oat may be the fastest growing sub-segment, but an increasing variety of nut-, seed-, legume- and grain-based options are coming to market – simultaneously fragmenting and growing the overall segment.