ESPN insider Jeff Passan shared Monday that he was injured in Friday's storm that swept through Kansas City after he was struck by a large falling tree limb.
charles watson live on the ground with the latest, hey, charles. charles: yeah, hey, griff. it s amazing how there s no rime or reason or how or where the tornado hit, case in point behind me. the residential street, you can see a lot of the homes out here really don t have any damages, any damage. we ve been up and down the street and we ve seen some tree limb limbs and items sort of tossed around but a lot of the homes seem to be okay but if you take a step a few feet this way, you can see this home as suffered quite a bit of damage. you can see this very, very large tree has toppled over on to the roof of this home and basically sitting in this person s living room or dining room or kitchen wherever that area may be. we actually spoke to the owner s nephew who was out here just a few moments ago and he says that