The global medical devices market size was valued at $425.5 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach $612.7 billion by 2025, grow at a CAGR of 5.4%. More than 180,000 U.S. companies are involved in designing, developing, manufacturing, testing, marketing, packaging, and distributing medical devices in this thriving market. Today's Medical Developments serves the need of manufacturers and design professionals in medtech by featuring products, services, and techniques to help improve design and manufacture processes.
The FAA Aerospace Forecast predicts that through 2031, the general aviation fleet will increase at an average annual rate of 0.9%, growing from an estimated 224,172 in 2010 to 270,920 aircraft in 2031. Aerospace Manufacturing and Design serves the aerospace industry by providing timely information on manufacturing processes and design parameters involved in the machining and assembly of aerospace components.