Kinistin Saulteaux First Nation settled for $56.8 million with Canada over the community’s limitations that were forced upon it by the government’s breach of the treaty.
to get these same allies to take hard positions against russia, treaty violations, invasions, and they wouldn t do it, wouldn t do it. that s because since 2014, they got more reliant on russian gas, not less. so what they did is they expected they were get thing cheap gas, and they expected the united states taxpayer to subsidize that gas by sending more troops over to protect them. now they expect the ukrainians to subsidize that gas with their blood. it s tragedy that needs to be stopped. you know, tom, it does undercut the position of the west, when we re just watching bodies in the street but germany says, ah, we still need that oil. every euro they re paying for russian oil and gas is being recycled right into the war machine that russia is using to
This Would Be A Good Time for An Open Skies Treaty Overflight
Verse of the week:
“I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.” Wendell Berry, “The Peace of Wild Things”
Vladimir Putin is behaving badly again. He’s massing troops and equipment near Russia’s border with Ukraine, a border he previously breached in 2014. The last time he upped the ante, in December 2018, Washington demonstrated its solidarity with Kiev by carrying out an “extraordinary,” short-notice overflight allowed under the provisions of the Open Skies Treaty. Canadian, French, German, Romanian and British observers accompanied U.S. personnel, as permitted under the Treaty’s ride-sharing option.
because of russian violations begs the question whether we re going to be living in a world where there are not nonproliferation regimes that govern the testing, development, and use of nuclear weapons. but the larger point i want to stress, victor, is that russia does not need nuclear weapons to attack us. we re under live attack by the russian government using something a heck of a lot cheaper than nuclear weapons, that is cyber warriors and information warriors. while we focus on the president s willingness to confront russia over its nuclear treaty violations, it is very striking that he is seemingly unwilling to confront vladimir putin about the assets that he is using to attack us as we speak. former secretary of state colin powell said it is dangerous to do, pulling out of the treaty for the u.s. and the u.s. will regret doing so. do you believe it is dangerous?